Pembukaan Pendaftaran Beasiswa Internasional Malaysia 2024

Pembukaan Pendaftaran Beasiswa Internasional Malaysia 2024

BOBINTEL.COM - Pembukaan Pendaftaran Beasiswa Internasional Malaysia 2024

Malaysia International Scholarship (MIS) 2024


Graduates from the recipient countries of MIS 2024 who:
  1. are citizens from the recipient countries of MIS 2024*;
  2. intend to pursue full-time postgraduate studies (Master’s/PhD) in Malaysia; or
  3. are currently pursuing full-time postgraduate studies in Malaysian public universities and selected private higher education institutions** with a minimum of two (2) semesters remaining before the end of the study period.
*   please refer to the list of Recipient Countries of MIS 2024 below
** please refer to the List of Universities below to view universities and institutions included under MIS


High potential and excellent graduates from the following countries are welcome to apply for MIS:
  • ASEAN* countries (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam)
  • Commonwealth countries (CPA** regions of Africa, Asia, Australia, British Islands & Mediterranean, Canada, The Caribbean, Americas & The Atlantic, India and the Pacific)
  • Afghanistan
  • Nepal
  • Albania
  • Oman
  • Algeria
  • Pakistan
  • Australia
  • Palestine
  • Azerbaijan
  • Qatar
  • China
  • Russian Federation
  • Egypt
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Georgia
  • Senegal
  • Hong Kong
  • South Korea
  • Iran
  • Syria
  • Iraq
  • Tajikistan
  • Japan
  • Timor-Leste
  • Jordan
  • Tunisia
  • Kazakhstan
  • Turkiye
  • Kuwait
  • Turkmenistan
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Libya
  • Uzbekistan
  • Maldives
  • Yemen
  • Morocco
*   ASEAN: Association of Southeast Asian Nations
** CPA: Commonwealth Parliamentary Association


  1. Application for MIS can be accessed on our online application system via the link
  2. Applicants will have to fill out and provide all the necessary information in the Application Form and have the compulsory documents listed below scanned and saved in PDF format and uploaded to the online application system:
i. A certified copy of the passport as evidence of nationality (with a minimum validity of 6 months);

ii. A certified copy of the academic transcript(s):
  • Transcripts of undergraduate studies (together with the master’s degree transcript for PhD applicants);
  • Reflect the record of all the courses taken throughout the previous study programme(s); and
  • Must be submitted together with a certified official document issued by the applicant’s alma mater describing the institution’s grade system if the applicant’s transcript does not include information on CGPA, marks or score percentile.
iii. A certified copy of English Proficiency test result (IELTS / TOEFL) or an official letter from the previous institution declaring English as the medium of instruction used for the obtained degree(s);

iv. Letter of Recommendation from two (2) referees;

v. Admission letter to Malaysian university (if applicants are currently undertaking postgraduate studies or if applicants have secured admission to the university);

vi. Curriculum Vitae; and

vii. Research Proposal *for Masters by Research and PhD applicants only

**all documents are required to be in English, if they are in any language other than English, you are required to provide certified translated copies of the documents.


Applicants must fulfill the following criteria for their applications to be considered further:
1. Is not more than 40 or 45 years old at the time of application for master’s and PhD levels respectively.

2. Possessing good academic qualifications:
  • Master’s applicants: obtaining a CGPA of 3.00 /2nd Class Upper (Honours) or higher at the bachelor’s degree level;
  • PhD applicants: obtaining a CGPA of 3.00 /excellent results at the Master’s level in courses related to the intended study program
3. Mastering good proficiency of English Language:
  • Obtaining an IELTS band 6.0 or higher; or
  • Obtaining a total score of 550 or higher in TOEFL paper-based test (PBT); or
  • Has obtained previous degree(s) with English used as the medium of instructions.
4. Submitting a written research proposal* with a minimum of 1,000 words that is relevant to the intended field of studies

*for Master’s by Research and PhD applicants only


  1. Master’s degree
  2. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree
*Full-time study only

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