Latihan 100 Soal Pretes PPG Mapel Bahasa Inggris

Latihan Soal Pretes PPG Mapel Bahasa Inggris

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Berikut ini adalah contoh-contoh 100 soal PPG Kemenag (Pendidikan Profesi Guru) untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris beserta kunci jawabannya. 

1. What is the plural form of "child"?

   a) childs

   b) childes

   c) children

   d) child's

   **Jawaban: c) children**

2. Choose the correct sentence:

   a) She doesn't like fishes.

   b) She don't like fishes.

   c) She don't likes fishes.

   d) She doesn't likes fishes.

   **Jawaban: a) She doesn't like fishes.**

3. "I have lived in this city _____ 2010." Which word correctly completes the sentence?

   a) since

   b) for

   c) from

   d) until

   **Jawaban: a) since**

4. Which word is the synonym of "happy"?

   a) sad

   b) angry

   c) joyful

   d) upset

   **Jawaban: c) joyful**

5. "My brother and I _____ to the beach yesterday."

   a) go

   b) goes

   c) went

   d) gone

   **Jawaban: c) went**

6. Choose the correct form of the verb in the present continuous tense: "She _____ TV right now."

   a) watches

   b) watching

   c) is watching

   d) watched

   **Jawaban: c) is watching**

7. What is the comparative form of "big"?

   a) biger

   b) more big

   c) bigger

   d) biggier

   **Jawaban: c) bigger**

8. Which sentence is in the passive voice?

   a) The cat chased the mouse.

   b) The mouse was chased by the cat.

   c) The mouse chases the cat.

   d) The cat is chasing the mouse.

   **Jawaban: b) The mouse was chased by the cat.**

9. "Could you please _____ the window? It's hot in here."

   a) open

   b) opening

   c) opened

   d) opens

   **Jawaban: a) open**

10. Choose the correct preposition: "She's interested _____ learning French."

    a) of

    b) in

    c) at

    d) on

    **Jawaban: b) in**

11. What is the past participle of "drink"?

    a) drunk

    b) drinked

    c) drank

    d) drinken

    **Jawaban: a) drunk**

12. "I haven't seen him _____ Monday."

    a) on

    b) at

    c) since

    d) for

    **Jawaban: c) since**

13. Which sentence is grammatically correct?

    a) I goed to the store yesterday.

    b) I went to the store yesterday.

    c) I did go to the store yesterday.

    d) I was went to the store yesterday.

    **Jawaban: b) I went to the store yesterday.**

14. "She _____ to London twice."

    a) goes

    b) going

    c) went

    d) gone

    **Jawaban: c) went**

15. Choose the correct form of "to be" in the past tense: "I _____ happy yesterday."

    a) are

    b) is

    c) was

    d) am

    **Jawaban: c) was**

16. What is the superlative form of "good"?

    a) gooder

    b) more good

    c) better

    d) best

    **Jawaban: d) best**

17. "They _____ a new car last week."

    a) buys

    b) buying

    c) bought

    d) buyed

    **Jawaban: c) bought**

18. Choose the correct word: "She is _____ than her brother."

    a) tallest

    b) more taller

    c) taller

    d) tallier

    **Jawaban: c) taller**

19. "_____ you ever been to France?"

    a) Do

    b) Have

    c) Did

    d) Are

    **Jawaban: b) Have**

20. Which sentence is correct?

    a) He speaks English very good.

    b) He speaks English very well.

    c) He speaks English very better.

    d) He speaks English very nicely.

    **Jawaban: b) He speaks English very well.**

21. "I _____ my homework yesterday."

    a) did

    b) do

    c) does

    d) done

    **Jawaban: a) did**

22. Choose the correct modal verb: "You _____ try your best."

    a) can

    b) must

    c) should

    d) would

    **Jawaban: c) should**

23. What is the plural form of "goose"?

    a) gooses

    b) goose

    c) geese

    d) goosen

    **Jawaban: c) geese**

24. "He _____ a cake for his birthday."

    a) bakes

    b) baked

    c) baking

    d) bake

    **Jawaban: b) baked**

25. Choose the correct sentence:

    a) They don't have some water.

    b) They don't have any water.

    c) They doesn't have any water.

    d) They doesn't have some water.

    **Jawaban: b) They don't have any water.**

26. "She _____ to the gym every day."

    a) go

    b) goes

    c) going

    d) gone

    **Jawaban: b) goes**

27. What is the comparative form of "bad"?

    a) baddest

    b) more bad

    c) worse

    d) badder

    **Jawaban: c) worse**

28. "I _____ my keys. I can't find them anywhere!"

    a) lose

    b) loses

    c) lost

    d) losing

    **Jawaban: c) lost**

29. Which word is the antonym of "hot"?

    a) warm

    b) cold

    c) cool

    d) spicy

    **Jawaban: b) cold**

30. Choose the correct form of the verb in the present perfect tense: "She _____ her homework."

    a) finish

    b) finished

    c) finishing

    d) has finished

    **Jawaban: d) has finished**

31. What is the plural form of "man"?

    a) mens

    b) mans

    c) manes

    d) men

    **Jawaban: d) men**

32. "He _____ his lunch an hour ago."

    a) eats

    b) eating

    c) eat

    d) ate

    **Jawaban: d) ate**

33. Choose the correct word: "The sun is _____ than the moon."

    a) hotter

    b) more hot

    c) hoter

    d) hot

    **Jawaban: a) hotter**

34. "They _____ to the party last night."

    a) went

    b) going

    c) goes

    d) go

    **Jawaban: a) went**

35. Which sentence is in the present perfect continuous tense?

    a) She is studying for her exam.

    b) She studied for her exam.

    c) She has been studying for her exam.

    d) She studies for her exam.

    **Jawaban: c) She has been studying for her exam.**

36. "He _____ a book every week."

    a) reads

    b) reading

    c) read

    d) readed

    **Jawaban: a) reads**

37. Choose the correct preposition: "I'm going _____ vacation next week."

    a) at

    b) on

    c) in

    d) with

    **Jawaban: b) on**

38. What is the superlative form of "beautiful"?

    a) beautifuller

    b) most beautiful

    c) beautifullest

    d) beautifuler

    **Jawaban: b) most beautiful**

39. "They _____ a new house last year."

    a) buys

    b) buy

    c) bought

    d) buying

    **Jawaban: c) bought**

40. Choose the correct word: "My cat is _____ than yours."

    a) fatter

    b) more fat

    c) fat

    d) fattest

    **Jawaban: a) fatter**

41. "_____ she speak Spanish?"

    a) Does

    b) Do

    c) Did

    d) Is

    **Jawaban: a) Does**

42. What is the past tense of "run"?

    a) run

    b) runs

    c) running

    d) ran

    **Jawaban: d) ran**

43. "He _____ his breakfast an hour ago."

    a) eats

    b) eating

    c) eat

    d) ate

    **Jawaban: d) ate**

44. Choose the correct sentence:

    a) She don't like apples.

    b) She doesn't likes apples.

    c) She doesn't like apples.

    d) She not like apples.

    **Jawaban: c) She doesn't like apples.**

45. "We _____ to Paris twice."

    a) go

    b) goes

    c) went

    d) gone

    **Jawaban: c) went**

46. What is the plural form of "woman"?

    a) woman

    b) women

    c) womens

    d) womanes

    **Jawaban: b) women**

47. "_____ he do his homework every day?"

    a) Is

    b) Do

    c) Does

    d) Did

    **Jawaban: c) Does**

48. Choose the correct form of the verb in the present continuous tense: "They _____ football right now."

    a) play

    b) playing

    c) is playing

    d) are playing

    **Jawaban: d) are playing**

49. What is the comparative form of "interesting"?

    a) interestingest

    b) more interesting

    c) interestinger

    d) interestingerest

    **Jawaban: b) more interesting**

50. "She _____ a new car last month."

    a) buys

    b) buy

    c) bought

    d) buying

    **Jawaban: c) bought**

51. Which sentence is in the passive voice?

    a) The cat chased the mouse.

    b) The mouse was chased by the cat.

    c) The mouse chases the cat.

    d) The cat is chasing the mouse.

    **Jawaban: b) The mouse was chased by the cat.**

52. "I _____ my keys. I can't find them anywhere!"

    a) lose

    b) loses

    c) lost

    d) losing

    **Jawaban: c) lost**

53. What is the antonym of "fast"?

    a) quick

    b) slow

    c) rapid

    d) speedy

    **Jawaban: b) slow**

54. Choose the correct form of "to be" in the past tense: "I _____ happy yesterday."

    a) are

    b) is

    c) was

    d) am

    **Jawaban: c) was**

55. "She _____ to the gym every day."

    a) go

    b) goes

    c) going

    d) gone

    **Jawaban: b) goes**

56. What is the superlative form of "good"?

    a) gooder

    b) more good

    c) better

    d) best

    **Jawaban: d) best**

57. "They _____ to the party last night."

    a) went

    b) going

    c) goes

    d) go

    **Jawaban: a) went**

58. Choose the correct word: "The sun is _____ than the moon."

    a) hotter

    b) more hot

    c) hoter

    d) hot

    **Jawaban: a) hotter**

59. "He _____ a book every week."

    a) reads

    b) reading

    c) read

    d) readed

    **Jawaban: a) reads**

60. Choose the correct preposition: "I'm going _____ vacation next week."

    a) at

    b) on

    c) in

    d) with

    **Jawaban: b) on**

61. What is the superlative form of "beautiful"?

    a) beautifuller

    b) most beautiful

    c) beautifullest

    d) beautifuler

    **Jawaban: b) most beautiful**

62. "They _____ a new house last year."

    a) buys

    b) buy

    c) bought

    d) buying

    **Jawaban: c) bought**

63. Choose the correct word: "My cat is _____ than yours."

    a) fatter

    b) more fat

    c) fat

    d) fattest

    **Jawaban: a) fatter**

64. "_____ she speak Spanish?"

    a) Does

    b) Do

    c) Did

    d) Is

    **Jawaban: a) Does**

65. What is the past tense of "run"?

    a) run

    b) runs

    c) running

    d) ran

    **Jawaban: d) ran**

66. "He _____ his breakfast an hour ago."

    a) eats

    b) eating

    c) eat

    d) ate

    **Jawaban: d) ate**

67. Choose the correct sentence:

    a) She don't like apples.

    b) She doesn't likes apples.

    c) She doesn't like apples.

    d) She not like apples.

    **Jawaban: c) She doesn't like apples.**

68. "We _____ to Paris twice."

    a) go

    b) goes

    c) went

    d) gone

    **Jawaban: c) went**

69. What is the plural form of "woman"?

    a) woman

    b) women

    c) womens

    d) womanes

    **Jawaban: b) women**

70. "_____ he do his homework every day?"

    a) Is

    b) Do

    c) Does

    d) Did

    **Jawaban: c) Does**

71. Choose the correct form of the verb in the present continuous tense: "They _____ football right now."

    a) play

    b) playing

    c) is playing

    d) are playing

    **Jawaban: d) are playing**

72. What is the comparative form of "interesting"?

    a) interestingest

    b) more interesting

    c) interestinger

    d) interestingerest

    **Jawaban: b) more interesting**

73. "She _____ a new car last month."

    a) buys

    b) buy

    c) bought

    d) buying

    **Jawaban: c) bought**

74. Which sentence is in the passive voice?

    a) The cat chased the mouse.

    b) The mouse was chased by the cat.

    c) The mouse chases the cat.

    d) The cat is chasing the mouse.

    **Jawaban: b) The mouse was chased by the cat.**

75. "I _____ my keys. I can't find them anywhere!"

    a) lose

    b) loses

    c) lost

    d) losing

    **Jawaban: c) lost**

76. What is the antonym of "fast"?

    a) quick

    b) slow

    c) rapid

    d) speedy

    **Jawaban: b) slow**

77. Choose the correct form of "to be" in the past tense: "I _____ happy yesterday."

    a) are

    b) is

    c) was

    d) am

    **Jawaban: c) was**

78. "She _____ to the gym every day."

    a) go

    b) goes

    c) going

    d) gone

    **Jawaban: b) goes**

79. What is the superlative form of "good"?

    a) gooder

    b) more good

    c) better

    d) best

    **Jawaban: d) best**

80. "They _____ to the party last night."

    a) went

    b) going

    c) goes

    d) go

    **Jawaban: a) went**

81. Choose the correct word: "The sun is _____ than the moon."

    a) hotter

    b) more hot

    c) hoter

    d) hot

    **Jawaban: a) hotter**

82. "He _____ a book every week."

    a) reads

    b) reading

    c) read

    d) readed

    **Jawaban: a) reads**

83. Choose the correct preposition: "I'm going _____ vacation next week."

    a) at

    b) on

    c) in

    d) with

    **Jawaban: b) on**

84. What is the superlative form of "beautiful"?

    a) beautifuller

    b) most beautiful

    c) beautifullest

    d) beautifuler

    **Jawaban: b) most beautiful**

85. "They _____ a new house last year."

    a) buys

    b) buy

    c) bought

    d) buying

    **Jawaban: c) bought**

86. Choose the correct word: "My cat is _____ than yours."

    a) fatter

    b) more fat

    c) fat

    d) fattest

    **Jawaban: a) fatter**

87. "_____ she speak Spanish?"

    a) Does

    b) Do

    c) Did

    d) Is

    **Jawaban: a) Does**

88. What is the past tense of "run"?

    a) run

    b) runs

    c) running

    d) ran

    **Jawaban: d) ran**

89. "He _____ his breakfast an hour ago."

    a) eats

    b) eating

    c) eat

    d) ate

    **Jawaban: d) ate**

90. Choose the correct sentence:

    a) She don't like apples.

    b) She doesn't likes apples.

    c) She doesn't like apples.

    d) She not like apples.

    **Jawaban: c) She doesn't like apples.**

91. "We _____ to Paris twice."

    a) go

    b) goes

    c) went

    d) gone

    **Jawaban: c) went**

92. What is the plural form of "woman"?

    a) woman

    b) women

    c) womens

    d) womanes

    **Jawaban: b) women**

93. "_____ he do his homework every day?"

    a) Is

    b) Do

    c) Does

    d) Did

    **Jawaban: c) Does**

94. Choose the correct form of the verb in the present continuous tense: "They _____ football right now."

    a) play

    b) playing

    c) is playing

    d) are playing

    **Jawaban: d) are playing**

95. What is the comparative form of "interesting"?

    a) interestingest

    b) more interesting

    c) interestinger

    d) interestingerest

    **Jawaban: b) more interesting**

96. "She _____ a new car last month."

    a) buys

    b) buy

    c) bought

    d) buying

    **Jawaban: c) bought**

97. Which sentence is in the passive voice?

    a) The cat chased the mouse.

    b) The mouse was chased by the cat.

    c) The mouse chases the cat.

    d) The cat is chasing the mouse.

    **Jawaban: b) The mouse was chased by the cat.**

98. "I _____ my keys. I can't find them anywhere!"

    a) lose

    b) loses

    c) lost

    d) losing

    **Jawaban: c) lost**

99. What is the antonym of "fast"?

    a) quick

    b) slow

    c) rapid

    d) speedy

    **Jawaban: b) slow**

100. Choose the correct form of "to be" in the past tense: "I _____ happy yesterday."

    a) are

    b) is

    c) was

    d) am

    **Jawaban: c) was**

Semoga contoh-contoh soal ini dapat membantu Anda dalam mempersiapkan PPG Kemenag mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dan bisa dapat lulus dengan nilai maksimal.

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